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Kaitag has five main abstract cases.

intransitive agent: who?
атта вегур
father left
Ergative: /-ли
transitive agent: by whom?
аттал беччив
father gave
Genitive: -ла
possession: of what?
аттала машин
father's car
Dative: //-жи
target: to what?
аттай беччив
gave to father
Comitative: -ццил
tool: with what?
машинццил вегур
left by car

There're also three locative cases with their own usecases.

ду, дила, дамиI, my, (to) me
и, ила, еттиyou, your, (to) you
исттиканglass cup
цяун, цябунтеcame, those who came
катьив, китьулpoured, pouring
улшу, улшунworks, working

1 Absolutive

Absolutive case is the basic form of a word, used in the following contexts:

  1. Agent of intransitive verbs & copulas:

    • дярья цяун
      the child came
    • бизи бегур
      the cat left
    • атта улшу
      father works
    • машин би
      there's a car
  2. Patient of transitive verbs:

    • дярьял бизи чибажив
      a child saw a cat
    • аттал шин китьул це
      father is pouring water
    • дул беччив исттикан
      the glass that I gave
  3. Addressing:

    • дярья, ця
      child, come
    • атта, хурег би
      father, the meal's there

2 Ergative

The ergative is marked with -ли or after vowels. The two main uses are:

  1. Agent of transitive verbs:

    • ил шин катьивде
      you poured the water
    • бизил цябунте чибажив
      the cat those who came
    • аттал исттикан беччив
      father gave a glass
    • дул хурег баривда
      I prepared a meal
  2. Expression of cause:

    • хурегли велҡҡун
      satiated by the meal
    • ккишал увкьул
      dying of hunger

Additional uses include:

  1. The verb "to fill":

    • шинел бицьив исттикан
      the glass filled with water


The case suffix attaches not directly to шин but to the word's oblique stem шине-. Similarly, adjectives too require -це/-ил before cases.

  1. Profession:

    • атта тухтурли улшу
      father works as a doctor
  2. Duration:

    • ца сяятли хурег барив
      prepared the meal in an hour
  3. Marking a tool, although comitative case is more often used here:

    • исттиканли катьив
      poured with a glass

3 Genitive

The genitive is formed by -ла. The main use corresponds to English of or 's:

  1. Relation & possession:

    • дярьяла атта
      the child's father
    • аттала машин
      my father's car
    • дила бизи
      my cat
    • ила хурег чибаживда
      I saw your meal


The genitive of the personal pronoun ду "I" is дила "my".

  1. Content & substance:

    • шинела исттикан
      a glass of water
    • урцулла курси
      wooden chair
    • дигула хурег
      meat dish
  2. Most postpositions:

    • курсинла че
      above the chair
    • ила ьереғ
      after you
    • машинла мяҡье
      next to the car
  3. Temporal expressions:

    • ниснала вегур
      he left on the evening
    • атта цеғивла
      since father arrived
      Uses verb aorist

4 Dative

The dative is marked by after vowels, -жи after л/й, and otherwise. It combines abstract and locative uses:

  1. Target of some transitive verbs, like "to" or "for":

    • аттай беччивда
      I gave to father
    • шиней вегур
      left for water (i.e. to bring some)
    • цяунилжи катьивда
      poured for the one who came
    • дами хурег барив
      cooked meal for me


These two personal pronouns have irregular dative forms:

  • ду "I" ➡️ дами "me"
  • и "you (sg.)" ➡️ етти "(to) you"
  1. Location on:

    • курсини би
      it's on the chair
    • ччемей
      on the bridge
    • усттулжи
      on the table


The widspread earlier dative form with ж:

  • аттай ⬅️ аттаж
  • курсини ⬅️ курсинжи
  • етти ⬅️ еттижи
  • дами ⬅️ дамижи
  1. Certain destinations of motion:

    • еркьи вегур
      left to the river
    • ҡҡаттай
      to the gorge
    • хяви
      to the grave


Instead of also variant is used:

  • курсини 🟰 курсине
  • хяви 🟰 хяве
  1. Temporal meaning "by":

    • атта цеғарай
      by the time father arrives
      Uses verb infinitive
    • ниснай
      by the event
    • сяят цалжи
      by one o'clock
    • сяят уғи
      by four o'clock

5 Comitative

The comitative suffix is marked by suffix -ццил. It has three distinct usecases:

  1. Marking tools:

    • и исттиканццил катьивде
      you poured with a glass
    • машинццил регур
      she left by car
    • атта урцулццил улшу
      father works with wood
    • ил дами беччивилццил баривда
      I did with what you gave me
  2. Marking co-actors:

    • дярья бизиццил виргул це
      the child's playing with the cat
    • шинеццил цяун
      he came with water (i.e. brought some)
    • аттаццил вегурда
      I left with father
    • цяунилццил ғай кикьул де
      he was talking to the one who came


The suffix has variants -ццелли, -ццер.

  1. Conveying meaning "from":

    • аттаццил баьурда
      I learned from my father
    • шилццил цябун
      they came from the village
    • машинццил курчьив
      he got out of the car


The meaning "from" got merged from another, locative cases -ццир which many use instead in this context.