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Predicative Particles

There's a limited set of particles that interact with copulas and sometime replace them.

question particles:
у, йа
уцци ҡил у?
is brother home?
💭modal particles:
ҡьал, ккотте
уцци ҡил ҡьал
surely brother is home
ҡилat home

1 Inventory

There're only a few such particles. Two for questions:

And two more with modal meaning:

  • expressing assurance — ҡьал;
    уцци ҡил ҡьал
    of course brother is home
  • expressing assumption — ккотте (variant кко).
    уцци ҡил ккотте
    brother is home [right?]

2 Copula Placement

The predicative particles always come after any copulas.

  • и цянне де ➡️ и цянне де ҡьал
    you are coming ➡️ surely you are coming
  • и ҡил вел де ➡️ и ҡил вел де у
    you are still home ➡️ are you still home?
  • и коцци де йа?
    where are you?

Importantly, the 3rd person form of "to be" це always gets replaced by the particles.

  • уцци цянне це ➡️ уцци цянне ҡьал
    brother is coming ➡️ of course brother is coming
  • уцци ҡил це ➡️ уцци ҡил у?
    brother is home ➡️ is brother home?


That's why question almost never contain the copula це.

3 Emphasis

As the copulas put emphasis on the word they come after:

  • ду ҡил да
    I'm home (not e.g. at work)
  • ду да ҡил
    I'm home (not e.g. brother)

The predicative particles inherit this property as well:

  • и ҡил де у
    are you home? (e.g. not somewhere else)
  • и де у ҡил
    are you home? (e.g. not someone else)